Recovery of Lost Funds

Recovery of Lost Funds

Recovery of Lost Funds

Some organisations will have established specialist counter fraud teams and these standards and guidance are designed to enable those teams to develop their capability in a common way across government that will, over time, increase the ability of these organisations to share resource and practice under a common understanding.

For organisations that make use of more part-time internal investigative resource, the intention is the resource should develop to meet the standards within this document if they do not already. To begin with, an organisation may decide that the foundation standard level in the competency framework is most relevant to their organisation. Over time, these resources have the opportunity to increase their capability against these standards to Practitioner level with the intention of making investigation functions more efficient and effective, and enabling greater crossover between individuals.


Share your contact details and short summary for assistance in reclaiming control over your financial assets.

LAREC provides support to victims globally

Our organization has aided individuals affected by diverse fraudulent schemes, offering resolution to their cases on a global scale. Through the utilization of our advanced AI software or the dedicated assistance of our assigned agents, who play a pivotal role in the resolution process by collaborating with victims on a personalized basis, guiding them through the legal steps required for a comprehensive and effective resolution.

We strive to bring about comprehensive solutions for victims across the world.


Share your contact details and short summary for assistance in reclaiming control over your financial assets.

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